Premier employment services for youth & adults with disabilities empowering you to be Happy, Healthy, & Independent!
*If you are on the iBudget, there is no charge to you. All billing is handled by APD.
Job Coaching Rates*
Job Coaching rates are $40.00 per hour, billed by the 1/4 hour
*If you are on CDC Plus, there is no charge to you. All charges will be applied towards your CDC Plus Budget.
*If you are private pay, this is what you will be billed.
Typically, the first month will require 11-15 hours while we fine tune your employment readiness skills, determine your employment goals, write your career plan, develop a portfolio and resume, and begin your job search. The following months depend on how many interviews you want to go on, then, once employed, how much on the job support you will desire. These next two months will most likely range between 2-15 hours. Once you are comfortable in your job, we will continue with however many hours you request, usually 1-5, as long as you desire!